
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

How to prepare a 3000 ppm Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) Solution

Step 1.
To prepare 3000ppm IBA solution, take 3GMs of IBA technical (98% purity) and dissolve it in 10 ml of solvent (Iso-Propyl Alcohol). You have to keep stirring the solution. 

Step 2.
If the IBA does not dissolve completely, add 2 ml of solvent at a time and stir the solution. Keep repeating till the complete IBA dissolves.

Step 3.
Now suppose for example, the complete IBA dissolves in 20 ml of solvent. Then you need to add 1000ml (1 Litre) - 20ml = 980 ml of distilled water to this solution and stir it well.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

AIMS BIO NPKS - Organic Macro Nutrients

AIMS BIO NPKS is a natural formulation of nutrients to supplement/ substitute traditional NPKS fertilizers, for all crops. 

This specialty formulation takes care of bio-enzymatic conversion of proteins for better & healthier crop growth. 

This product is formulated with Amino nitrogen ( 4%), Organic phosphorus (4%) , Organic Potash (4%) & Organic Sulfur (4%) in liquid and granular form. 

Aims Bio-NPKS is easily absorbed in Foliar / Drip/ Irrigation applications & is a supplement / substitute for chemical/ inorganic fertilizers

AIMS Bio-NPKS contains primary basic plant nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium & Sulfur in right proportion in organic form.

Benefits :

1.     Increase disease resistance power of the crop.
2. Improves the flowering and maximizes flower and fruit            settings.
3. Improves the nutritional status and their utilization
4. Improves the weight, Colour, size, & luster of the produces.
5. Increase flush and fruit setting & reduces the flower and        fruit drop resulted due to nutrient deficiency.
6. Increases photosynthetic activity resulted into improved green    new and luster of leaves.
7. Boosts up the growth & development of plant resulting into        vigor, health & sturdiness.
8. Improves quality weight and yields.

It is highly effective, economical and eco-friendly product for foliar application. 

Method of application & Dosage :

A. The water soluble liquid form of AIMS Bio-NPKS should be sprayed as foliar application at 2-3 ml per lit. of water at vegetative phase, flowering and fruit setting stages. It can be repeated at an interval of 12-15 days. Use 1-1.5 ml per lit in case of drip or irrigation applications. Dosage may be changed according to crop requirements. 

B. The granular form of Aims Bio-NPKS should be applied at a rate of 8 – 10 kg per Acre

Packing : 

50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 10 Kg Bucket & 50 kg Bag

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

ANTI DROP - Bio solution against prematured flower & fruit drop

ANTI DROP is known as Anti Flower and fruit drop product. ANTI DROP is a completely natural and 100% organic. 

It prevents premature detachment of flower,& fruit  because of plant physiological changes takes place in the adverse or changing weather conditions.

ANTI DROP is a herbal product. Its natural herbal composition contributes to higher production with minimum investment. 

Formation of abscission layer takes place at the base of petiole. This abscission(detachment of plant part) is believed to be due to dissolution of middle lamella or primary walls in abscissic acid. ANTI DROP controls levels of abscissic acid and prevents premature flower and fruit drop. 

It is being commercially used in Cotton, Apple, Pear, Mango, Chili and other vegetables & fruits.


•  It prevents shedding of buds, flowers and fruits

•  It induces early flowering

•  Enlarge fruit size.

•  Delay the maturity of fruit.

•  Increase in number of pods and oil content in Groundnut.

•  It prevents shedding of grains in cereals if sprayed before      expected shedding is there.

•  It increases the yield and improves the quality, fetches          better price in market.

Dosage : 

0.5 ml – 1 ml in 1 litre of water

Packing : 

50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

BIOGHAT PLUS - Bio-Controller against Sucking Pest

BIOGHAT PLUS is a bio-technologically developed herbal product giving higher control over sucking pests like Citruspsylla, Aphids, Jassids, White and Black fly, etc. 

It also acts as Phyto-tonic, enhancing the plants internal defense mechanism providing strength and resistance to the plant against the attack of sucking pests. It contributes to the overall wellness of the plants. 

Moreover, we offer BIOGHAT PLUS at the most competitive costs. To suit the varied requirements of customers, we offer BIOGHAT PLUS in different packaging specifications, which can be customized according to the needs and requirements of the customers.


Cotton, Tomato, Chili, Brinjal (Egg Plant), Onion, Grapes, Guava, Citrus, Mango, Pomegranate, Banana, Paddy, other Floriculture, Horticultural, Medicinal and Green house crops.


1 ml -1.5 ml per liter of water as foliar spray at 12 to 15 days of interval.

Safety Precaution:

Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place away from open flame and sunlight. Avoid spraying during hot periods of the day.

Available in packing:

50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

BAHUBAL PLUS - Broad Spectrum Bio-Pesticide

Bahubal Plus is a broad spectrum Bio-Pesticide in liquid form. It works both as fungicide as well as Bactericide.


Eugenol, Allicin, Carvacrol, Thymol, Citral, Trans–2 decemal, Derivatives of ketone (natural), Emulsifier and solvent.


1) It can be used as powerful fungicide as well as bactericide.      Its powerful effects has made it highly useful in fighting        against a number of plant pathogens like paddy blast, paddy      blight and other fungal as well bactericidal pathogens.

2) The presence of Carvacrol has made Bahubal Plus useful in        offering insecticidal activity also through fumigant action.      As a naturally occurring insecticide carvacrol could be useful    as a new preventive agent to rest damage caused by household      pests.

3) Even on repetitive use of Bahubal Plus no resistance against      Bahubal Plus is reported.

4) Bahubal Plus is non-toxic and eco-friendly.

5) No traces of Bahubal Plus are left on fruits, flowers, grains    and leaves.

6) Bahubal Plus can be used for dynamic control of blast, blight,    downy mildew, powdery mildew, rust & other fungal and            bacterial diseases.


1 to 2 ml per Litre.

COMPATIBILITY :                                         

It is compatible with all chemical, bio – pesticides and fungicides.

PACKING :                                          

100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, & 1 litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

M DROP - Bio – Stimulant

It is bio – stimulant, this product is based on protein theory, which play very vital role in the plant body.  It is very complex, organic nitrogen compound essential contains Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Sulfur.  Proteins are generally found in storage organ of plants and being source of nitrogen, it forms an integral pact of protoplasm and nucleus. 

It stimulates stunted growth and initiates flowering and fruiting also prevents dropping.


1. During vegetative growth 1 ml in 4 litres of water.
2. 10 days before flower – 1 ml in 3 litres of water.
3. 5 to 7 days after flowering – 1 ml in 3 litres of water.
4. After fruit set – 1 ml in 4 litres of water.


25 ML, 50 ML, 100 ML, 200 ML, 500 ML  and 1 LITRE.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

WHITE-WASH - Controlling of White Fly (Bemisia Tabaci)

White Fly is one of the most irritating to protected crops. They suck up large amounts of sap from the plant and secrete the sugars as honeydew. This unfortunately makes the leaves sticky and susceptible to rot and attacks by fungus. These pests affect all types of plants including both crops and ornamental plants, both indoors and out. These pests have also been known to carry viruses, which poses an even greater threat. 

The greenhouse White fly crawler has four or possibly five leg segments and 2-3 antenal segments. Segmentation is not clear and most specimens will appear to have only three leg segments and two antennal segments. The crawler may be transparent to opaque, ranging in color from light green to yellow, light brown through dark brown and black. 

Small amounts of powdery white wax are usually produced after the crawler settles and begins feeding. The pupal cases of this species can vary depending on the leaf surface (Glabrous vs. hairy). Feeding by the adults and larvae on the underside of leaves from June to late autumn causes white or yellow patches to develop. Yellow eggs are laid in circular groups on the underside of leaves. Within a few days the eggs turn black, before hatching in about nine days at temperatures of around 21°C. Light green, flat larvae are only active for a few days and then remain motionless until they reach maturity. 

White flies pass through four life cycle stages before reaching adulthood. Adults are covered in a white, mealy wax and only grow to about 1 mm in length. Feeding on plant sap is achieved via stylets, much the same as with aphids.

Damage :

Feeding white flies will cause leaves to turn up and brown, disabling them to perform their responsibilities. Damaged leaves look bad and promote decay fungus and bacteria to form Sap drainage. White flies have an insatiable hunger for plant sap and will suck as much of it as they can from the host plant. Young host plants will not be able to meet these demands and don't stand much of a chance to survive; adult plants which loose vital sap are more prone to disease, heat stress and less likely to rebound from any environmental shock. This pest is a vector of Lettuce infectious yellow virus.

Host range :

The host range of the greenhouse White fly is estimated at about 200 plant species, mostly in the families crucifereae, Leguminosae, Malvaceae, and Solanaceae. The insect may attack far more plant species in the greenhouse environment. 

Dosage :

1-2 ml/ Liter of  water as foliar application on the occurring of pest


100 ml/250 ml/500 ml/1 Ltr.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -