AIMS BIO NPKS is a natural formulation of nutrients to supplement/ substitute traditional NPKS fertilizers, for all crops.
This specialty formulation takes care of bio-enzymatic conversion of proteins for better & healthier crop growth.
This product is formulated with Amino nitrogen ( 4%), Organic phosphorus (4%) , Organic Potash (4%) & Organic Sulfur (4%) in liquid and granular form.
Aims Bio-NPKS is easily absorbed in Foliar / Drip/ Irrigation applications & is a supplement / substitute for chemical/ inorganic fertilizers
AIMS Bio-NPKS contains primary basic plant nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium & Sulfur in right proportion in organic form.
Benefits :
1. Increase disease resistance power of the crop.
2. Improves the flowering and maximizes flower and fruit settings.
3. Improves the nutritional status and their utilization
4. Improves the weight, Colour, size, & luster of the produces.
5. Increase flush and fruit setting & reduces the flower and fruit drop resulted due to nutrient deficiency.
6. Increases photosynthetic activity resulted into improved green new and luster of leaves.
7. Boosts up the growth & development of plant resulting into vigor, health & sturdiness.
8. Improves quality weight and yields.
It is highly effective, economical and eco-friendly product for foliar application.
Method of application & Dosage :
A. The water soluble liquid form of AIMS Bio-NPKS should be sprayed as foliar application at 2-3 ml per lit. of water at vegetative phase, flowering and fruit setting stages. It can be repeated at an interval of 12-15 days. Use 1-1.5 ml per lit in case of drip or irrigation applications. Dosage may be changed according to crop requirements.
B. The granular form of Aims Bio-NPKS should be applied at a rate of 8 – 10 kg per Acre
Packing :
50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 10 Kg Bucket & 50 kg Bag
This specialty formulation takes care of bio-enzymatic conversion of proteins for better & healthier crop growth.
This product is formulated with Amino nitrogen ( 4%), Organic phosphorus (4%) , Organic Potash (4%) & Organic Sulfur (4%) in liquid and granular form.
Aims Bio-NPKS is easily absorbed in Foliar / Drip/ Irrigation applications & is a supplement / substitute for chemical/ inorganic fertilizers
AIMS Bio-NPKS contains primary basic plant nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium & Sulfur in right proportion in organic form.
1. Increase disease resistance power of the crop.
2. Improves the flowering and maximizes flower and fruit settings.
3. Improves the nutritional status and their utilization
4. Improves the weight, Colour, size, & luster of the produces.
5. Increase flush and fruit setting & reduces the flower and fruit drop resulted due to nutrient deficiency.
6. Increases photosynthetic activity resulted into improved green new and luster of leaves.
7. Boosts up the growth & development of plant resulting into vigor, health & sturdiness.
8. Improves quality weight and yields.
It is highly effective, economical and eco-friendly product for foliar application.
Method of application & Dosage :
A. The water soluble liquid form of AIMS Bio-NPKS should be sprayed as foliar application at 2-3 ml per lit. of water at vegetative phase, flowering and fruit setting stages. It can be repeated at an interval of 12-15 days. Use 1-1.5 ml per lit in case of drip or irrigation applications. Dosage may be changed according to crop requirements.
B. The granular form of Aims Bio-NPKS should be applied at a rate of 8 – 10 kg per Acre
Packing :
50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 10 Kg Bucket & 50 kg Bag
Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
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