
Thursday, September 12, 2013

AIMS BIO NPKS - Organic Macro Nutrients

AIMS BIO NPKS is a natural formulation of nutrients to supplement/ substitute traditional NPKS fertilizers, for all crops. 

This specialty formulation takes care of bio-enzymatic conversion of proteins for better & healthier crop growth. 

This product is formulated with Amino nitrogen ( 4%), Organic phosphorus (4%) , Organic Potash (4%) & Organic Sulfur (4%) in liquid and granular form. 

Aims Bio-NPKS is easily absorbed in Foliar / Drip/ Irrigation applications & is a supplement / substitute for chemical/ inorganic fertilizers

AIMS Bio-NPKS contains primary basic plant nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium & Sulfur in right proportion in organic form.

Benefits :

1.     Increase disease resistance power of the crop.
2. Improves the flowering and maximizes flower and fruit            settings.
3. Improves the nutritional status and their utilization
4. Improves the weight, Colour, size, & luster of the produces.
5. Increase flush and fruit setting & reduces the flower and        fruit drop resulted due to nutrient deficiency.
6. Increases photosynthetic activity resulted into improved green    new and luster of leaves.
7. Boosts up the growth & development of plant resulting into        vigor, health & sturdiness.
8. Improves quality weight and yields.

It is highly effective, economical and eco-friendly product for foliar application. 

Method of application & Dosage :

A. The water soluble liquid form of AIMS Bio-NPKS should be sprayed as foliar application at 2-3 ml per lit. of water at vegetative phase, flowering and fruit setting stages. It can be repeated at an interval of 12-15 days. Use 1-1.5 ml per lit in case of drip or irrigation applications. Dosage may be changed according to crop requirements. 

B. The granular form of Aims Bio-NPKS should be applied at a rate of 8 – 10 kg per Acre

Packing : 

50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 10 Kg Bucket & 50 kg Bag

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
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ANTI DROP - Bio solution against prematured flower & fruit drop

ANTI DROP is known as Anti Flower and fruit drop product. ANTI DROP is a completely natural and 100% organic. 

It prevents premature detachment of flower,& fruit  because of plant physiological changes takes place in the adverse or changing weather conditions.

ANTI DROP is a herbal product. Its natural herbal composition contributes to higher production with minimum investment. 

Formation of abscission layer takes place at the base of petiole. This abscission(detachment of plant part) is believed to be due to dissolution of middle lamella or primary walls in abscissic acid. ANTI DROP controls levels of abscissic acid and prevents premature flower and fruit drop. 

It is being commercially used in Cotton, Apple, Pear, Mango, Chili and other vegetables & fruits.


•  It prevents shedding of buds, flowers and fruits

•  It induces early flowering

•  Enlarge fruit size.

•  Delay the maturity of fruit.

•  Increase in number of pods and oil content in Groundnut.

•  It prevents shedding of grains in cereals if sprayed before      expected shedding is there.

•  It increases the yield and improves the quality, fetches          better price in market.

Dosage : 

0.5 ml – 1 ml in 1 litre of water

Packing : 

50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
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BIOGHAT PLUS - Bio-Controller against Sucking Pest

BIOGHAT PLUS is a bio-technologically developed herbal product giving higher control over sucking pests like Citruspsylla, Aphids, Jassids, White and Black fly, etc. 

It also acts as Phyto-tonic, enhancing the plants internal defense mechanism providing strength and resistance to the plant against the attack of sucking pests. It contributes to the overall wellness of the plants. 

Moreover, we offer BIOGHAT PLUS at the most competitive costs. To suit the varied requirements of customers, we offer BIOGHAT PLUS in different packaging specifications, which can be customized according to the needs and requirements of the customers.


Cotton, Tomato, Chili, Brinjal (Egg Plant), Onion, Grapes, Guava, Citrus, Mango, Pomegranate, Banana, Paddy, other Floriculture, Horticultural, Medicinal and Green house crops.


1 ml -1.5 ml per liter of water as foliar spray at 12 to 15 days of interval.

Safety Precaution:

Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place away from open flame and sunlight. Avoid spraying during hot periods of the day.

Available in packing:

50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
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BAHUBAL PLUS - Broad Spectrum Bio-Pesticide

Bahubal Plus is a broad spectrum Bio-Pesticide in liquid form. It works both as fungicide as well as Bactericide.


Eugenol, Allicin, Carvacrol, Thymol, Citral, Trans–2 decemal, Derivatives of ketone (natural), Emulsifier and solvent.


1) It can be used as powerful fungicide as well as bactericide.      Its powerful effects has made it highly useful in fighting        against a number of plant pathogens like paddy blast, paddy      blight and other fungal as well bactericidal pathogens.

2) The presence of Carvacrol has made Bahubal Plus useful in        offering insecticidal activity also through fumigant action.      As a naturally occurring insecticide carvacrol could be useful    as a new preventive agent to rest damage caused by household      pests.

3) Even on repetitive use of Bahubal Plus no resistance against      Bahubal Plus is reported.

4) Bahubal Plus is non-toxic and eco-friendly.

5) No traces of Bahubal Plus are left on fruits, flowers, grains    and leaves.

6) Bahubal Plus can be used for dynamic control of blast, blight,    downy mildew, powdery mildew, rust & other fungal and            bacterial diseases.


1 to 2 ml per Litre.

COMPATIBILITY :                                         

It is compatible with all chemical, bio – pesticides and fungicides.

PACKING :                                          

100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, & 1 litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

M DROP - Bio – Stimulant

It is bio – stimulant, this product is based on protein theory, which play very vital role in the plant body.  It is very complex, organic nitrogen compound essential contains Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Sulfur.  Proteins are generally found in storage organ of plants and being source of nitrogen, it forms an integral pact of protoplasm and nucleus. 

It stimulates stunted growth and initiates flowering and fruiting also prevents dropping.


1. During vegetative growth 1 ml in 4 litres of water.
2. 10 days before flower – 1 ml in 3 litres of water.
3. 5 to 7 days after flowering – 1 ml in 3 litres of water.
4. After fruit set – 1 ml in 4 litres of water.


25 ML, 50 ML, 100 ML, 200 ML, 500 ML  and 1 LITRE.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

WHITE-WASH - Controlling of White Fly (Bemisia Tabaci)

White Fly is one of the most irritating to protected crops. They suck up large amounts of sap from the plant and secrete the sugars as honeydew. This unfortunately makes the leaves sticky and susceptible to rot and attacks by fungus. These pests affect all types of plants including both crops and ornamental plants, both indoors and out. These pests have also been known to carry viruses, which poses an even greater threat. 

The greenhouse White fly crawler has four or possibly five leg segments and 2-3 antenal segments. Segmentation is not clear and most specimens will appear to have only three leg segments and two antennal segments. The crawler may be transparent to opaque, ranging in color from light green to yellow, light brown through dark brown and black. 

Small amounts of powdery white wax are usually produced after the crawler settles and begins feeding. The pupal cases of this species can vary depending on the leaf surface (Glabrous vs. hairy). Feeding by the adults and larvae on the underside of leaves from June to late autumn causes white or yellow patches to develop. Yellow eggs are laid in circular groups on the underside of leaves. Within a few days the eggs turn black, before hatching in about nine days at temperatures of around 21°C. Light green, flat larvae are only active for a few days and then remain motionless until they reach maturity. 

White flies pass through four life cycle stages before reaching adulthood. Adults are covered in a white, mealy wax and only grow to about 1 mm in length. Feeding on plant sap is achieved via stylets, much the same as with aphids.

Damage :

Feeding white flies will cause leaves to turn up and brown, disabling them to perform their responsibilities. Damaged leaves look bad and promote decay fungus and bacteria to form Sap drainage. White flies have an insatiable hunger for plant sap and will suck as much of it as they can from the host plant. Young host plants will not be able to meet these demands and don't stand much of a chance to survive; adult plants which loose vital sap are more prone to disease, heat stress and less likely to rebound from any environmental shock. This pest is a vector of Lettuce infectious yellow virus.

Host range :

The host range of the greenhouse White fly is estimated at about 200 plant species, mostly in the families crucifereae, Leguminosae, Malvaceae, and Solanaceae. The insect may attack far more plant species in the greenhouse environment. 

Dosage :

1-2 ml/ Liter of  water as foliar application on the occurring of pest


100 ml/250 ml/500 ml/1 Ltr.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
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D-FUNG - Highly effective botanical fungicide with protective action

D-FUNG is an effective herbal solution to pest management. The incident of fungal infestation is a regular phenomenon in plantation. Due to indiscriminate and abundant use of synthetic crop protector, newer different resistant species are taking birth and strengthening the enemy force. Very few research has been done on herbal Control of pest. 

Azadirachtine based products are available in the market but it has also its own limitations. Inspired by the crying global need of an effective, hazard free, pro nature herbal product for fungal management, AIMS BIOTECH offers its noble research product, D-FUNG, which is today's reality and tomorrow's dream. It is totally biodegradable and eco-friendly. It does not harm beneficial predators.


D-FUNG contains botanical extracts of the following medicinal plants.
1. Acorus Calamus
2. Clenodendron infortunatum
3. Xanthium strumarium
4. Polygonum hydropiper


D-FUNG  has the Trans-laminar action as a result it is quickly absorbed and translocated within the leaf system resulting in quick and effective disease control. It has got triple action, Protective, Curative and inducing Eradication.


It is highly effective systemic fungicide with protective action. It controls wide range of diseases like Powdery Mildew, Scab, Rust, & Wilt.


200 to 250 ml per acre


Application has to get started immediately after the onset of infection.
* Shake the bottle before use.

* Ensure uniform coverage of the foliage.

* D-FUNG should be sprayed at early morning or evening hours.

* Under low infestation condition best result is obtained in a single spray, its systematic action prevents any infestation to develop to dangerous levels.

* Under high infestation D-FUNG should be sprayed in two rounds with seven days interval for control of more than 30 days.

* If it rains within 6 hrs of application, repeat application should be done.

*  It gives phytotonic effect and improves the plant visible characteristics yields & quickly produce.


50 ml,100 ml,   250 ml,  1 litre

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

D-CAT - Natural way against Caterpillar Pests

D-CAT causes death by hindering motor nerve information transmission of harmful insect. D-CAT strengthens the affect of nerve matter, such as Glutamic acid and the r - Amino-Butyric acid (GABA), thus causes massive chloride ions enter into the nerve cell, causes losing of cell function and disruption of nerve conduction, larvae stop eating food immediately after exposure to D-CAT, lead to irreversible paralysis and die. D-CAT can be degraded in the earth quickly and not accumulated. It’s safe for environment. Absorbed by crops easily, and seep to epidermis, causes extension of validity. 

Main preventing and controlling insects: 

D-CAT is mainly used to prevent and control harmful insects in Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Homoptera, Mite. Widely used to prevent and control bollworm, cutworm of sugar beet, cole moth, cabbage caterpillar, armyworm, Mite, Prodenia litura(Fabricius) and so on harmful insects in many kinds of vegetables, fruit trees, tea, tobacco and cotton 

Function character: 

D-CAT is high effective, non poisonous and environment safety, D-CAT is a new kind of herbal pesticide, has the function of stomach poison and contact Insecticide. Effect of preventing and controlling under extremely low density also is obvious. D-CAT is secure for beneficial insect, person and livestock in conventional dosage. D-CAT  applies widely to tobacco, tea and vegetables. 

Application and Instructions:

Repeat application at an interval sufficient to maintain control usually is 3 to 14 days depending on plant growth rate, moth activity, rainfall after treating and other factors.
D-CAT is best used when the larvae are actively feeding but before the plants are damaged.


1-2 ml per liter of water


50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 1 litre

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

D-GHUN - 100% Naturally extracted Herbal Based Miticide of Plant Origin

D-GHUN is a new type of Bio-Organic Miticide which has been developed at AIMS BIOTECH’s in house research Lab, This Organic Miticide is based on natural herbs and plants, otherwise called botanical insecticides that have miticidal properties. A careful selection of some of the best acting Botanical herbs
has been used which has zero polluting effect and also at the same time break down rapidly in the environment ,thereby not causing persistent residues. This product has been extensively tested for its efficacy and has been found to give an excellent control on mites of vegetables and plantation crops.

The mites feed by inserting their mouth-parts into the leaf cells and withdrawing the contents, including the chlorophyll. The leaves can recover if the mites are destroyed before the leaves are badly damaged. If much of the chlorophyll has been withdrawn, however, the plant seems to be unable to replace it rapidly, and it is never entirely replaced during the life of the leaves. Compared to insects, mites reproduce far more quickly and mutate more rapidly, Mites have 4
stages: egg, larvae, nymph, and adult. The process of mutation creates new variants resistant to any chemical used repeatedly on mites. D-GHUN helps control mites by smothering mite eggs and the early larval stages, and the pests do not build up an immunity. The alkaloids present in the D-GHUN  are responsible for the acaricidal effects. 

Target pests:

All types of mites, sawflies , maggots, bagworms, codling moths, Japanese beetles, leaf hoppers, Mexican bean beetles, cabbage worms, thrips, stinkbugs, flea beetles, and vegetable weevils.


D-GHUN is an unique combination of natural botanical insecticides, natural herbs, Horticultural oils and emulsifiers.

Dose and method of use :

D-GHUN should be definitely integrated in the mite control spray programme. This product can either used singly in organic cultivation of field crops or used in combination with other miticides in rotation to get the control.

For Flower Plants in poly houses or in open : 2ml/lit of water every days

For Vegetable Crops : 6 Sprays at 10 days interval @ 2ml/ lit of water

For Tea, Coffee, sugarcane etc. : Spray every 15 days @ 3.5ml/lit.

Packing  : 

Available in 50 ml, 100 ml , 250 ml , 500 ml , 1 litre

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

AIMCARE - A Bio-Humic Concentrate (1 Litre equivalent to 7 MT of Organic Manure)

AIMCARE is liquid concentrate of Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid & Sea Weed Extract. It acts as a chelating agent, growth stimulant, Catalyst and buffer against harsh condition in soil which affects the plants.

Benefits of soil :

1. AIMCARE is nontoxic and has no detrimental effects to soil microbes.

2. It helps to grow the soil bacteria like Azotobacter, Rhizobium etc.

3. It reduces soil erosion, increases water holding capacity of soil.

4. It imparts a buffering action to soil.

5. It makes soil more crumbly and improves soil fertility. It increases aeration of soil thus stimulates growth of aerobic micro organism soil.

6. It increases crop quality and crop yield in significant proportions.

Application :

AIMCARE can be applied along with existing commercial formulations or  can be used independently.

Soil :

AIMCARE is applied on the soil after basal dose of fertilizer, before planting and after as well.

Dissolve 5 ml per liter of water and apply in the soil. Rain or irrigation water helps to penetrate deep into the soil and made the soil more porous and fertile. It helps in the conversion of many macro elements into similar forms thus make it available to plants.

Foliar :

Dissolve  1 ml per liter of  water to spray on crop until the solution starts dripping from leaves.

Packaging : 

100 ml, 250 ml,500 ml,1 Litre & 5 Litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

BIOSULF - Liquid Sulfer 50% w/w

Till date farmers have been using powder sulfer which does not get dissolved completely in water. Biosulf has been launched by Aims Biotech to minimize the loss of sulfur.

What is BIOSULF?

Biosulf is an effective acracide, strong acidifier with fungicidal property and essential nutrient for all plants.

Advantage of using Biosulf:

1. The particle size of Biosulf is very small which is almost 6 micron.

2. Due to its small particle size, Biosulf has got higher spreading properties, better distribution rate and high resistance to wash-off by rainfall or irrigation.

3. Biosulf mixes instantly with water and spreads uniformly in a thin film to cover the entire leaf surface.

4. Biosulf effectively kills the specific red spider mites, scarlet mites etc. but do not harm the beneficial insects. As a result ecological balance is not disturbed.

5. It protects the plant from extreme conditions like excessive heat or cold.

6. Biosulf is indispensable for synthesizing of certain Amino Acids through various metabolic process. It plays a vital role in up-taking different micro-nutrients like magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc from the soil.

7. It helps in the chlorophyll synthesis and increase the vitamin content in the leaf.

8. Biosulf offers total protection against sulfur deficiency and various species of mites in the plant.

Usage of BIOSULF:

Biosulf can be used in different flowers specially on rose and Marigold. It can also be used on different fruits like mango, apple, pineapple and grapes. It can be used on different vegetables, crops & specially on Tea. It is very much effective against Mites, powdery Miledew, Tikka leaf spot, Red spider mites, pink & purple mites, Scarlet mites etc.


Biosulf can be applied between 10AM to 3PM. It is not advisable to apply Biosulf in the afternoon in the scorching heat of the sun as the heat might reduce the effectiveness of Biosulf.
During rainy season it is advisable to spray Biosulf with BODYGUARD  which will help Biosulf to stick to the leaves and protect it by getting washed off by rain.

To get best result and effectiveness spray a mixture of AIMYD and AIMGUARD with Biosulf.


3 to 4 ml per liter. Spray immediately on occurrence of mites or powder mildew disease. In sever conditions repeat the process every after 7 days.


Biosulf is available in  250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre and 5 Litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -


Bodyguard is a non ionic bio based adhesive which when mixed with any insecticide and sprayed on plants, protects the insecticide/pesticides/growth regulator etc from getting washed away by dew or rain.

It is designed for quick wetting, uniform droplet distribution and increased spray retention on leaf and stem surface. BODYGUARD incorporates the properties  of a spreader and an activator to improve wetting, spreading, contact activity and penetration. The use of BODYGUARD improves control by giving more uniform spreading, depositing and sticking to leaf surface. 

BODYGUARD can easily penetrate through the wax layer of leaf surface which helps in better absorption of the insecticide/agro-chemicals. BODYGUARD softens the fungal cells which increase the effectiveness of the insecticide.


1. BODYGUARD reduces the surface tension of water thereby helping in fast and  uniform coverage of pesticides, enhances their sticking properties and increases the activities through fairly good penetration and trans location of pesticides in plant systems even at lower dosage.

2. Pesticides do not run off, even if it rains after spray.

3. BODYGUARD is a tried and tested product. Because of its Nonionic constituents, does not contain any ion  like sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Chlorine, Carbonate, Bicarbonate etc. which have negative bearing with the normal functioning of the crop plants.

How BODYGUARD is better than other ionic Surfactants:

1. Ionic surfactants contain synthetic ester resin , which may react with spray admixture candidates like chemical pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers etc. BODYGUARD is free from any synthetic resin like chemicals.

2. Ionic surfactant may not be stable in alkaline, acidic formulation as it contains resin, which may be hydrolyzed in some pH conditions, BODYGUARD can not be reactive in any pH conditions.

3. BODYGUARD is biodegradable while that of ionic surfactants, they do not get degraded biologically.

How BODYGUARD is better than other Non-ionic Surfactants:

1. BODYGUARD contain more powerful non-ionic Surfactant than other similar products so as to enable inputs spread and activate faster.

2. BODYGUARD is cost effective.

BODYGUARD as Spreader : Provides more uniform spray deposit on plants, improves coverage of herbicide and fungicide sprays.
BODYGUARD as Activator: Through wetting action, it helps improve performance of post-emergence herbicides, insecticides and fungicides increases water penetration, percolation and spreading in soil strata.

DOSAGE: 5 ml OF BODYGUARD with every 15 Litres of water to be sprayed.

PACKING: BODYGUARD is available in 10 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 Litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -


AIMGUARD is silicon based organic compound with botanical extracts like cynodan dactylon (Doob), Ocinum spp (Tulsi) etc. Aimguard gains importance for its self defense mechanism against Bacterial/fungal diseases in vegetable & tea.
From the current research data, it has been concluded that silicon is a potential component to induce resistance and can tolerate during steer situation in the plant metabolism.
It has been established that silicon containing material enhances the structural stability of the plant system which ultimately hardens the cell wall of the plant tissue and makes inactive of the harmful fungal hype to penetrate inside the body.


1.  AIMGUARD is eco-friendly in nature.
2.  AIMGUARD is harmless with no side effects.
3. AIMGUARD contribute better quality and increase yield of vegetables by  controlling Blister blight, Bacterial wilt, Red rust and Black rot.

Dosage : @2-5 ml per 1 Litre of water.

Packing Size: Bottle 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre & 5 Litres.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

BIORAS PLUS - Unique Bio-Organic Phosphate supplement

Phosphorus plays significant role, next only to nitrogen, in agriculture ecosystems. Phosphorus is an essential constituents of important organic compounds that supports many vital processes and activities during plant growth and development. Under intensive cultivation with high yielding varieties of crop, it is essential to maintain adequate supply of phosphorous. 

But there is a sudden crisis of phosphatic fertilizers world over due to non availability of high grade raw materials suitable for the production of these chemical fertilizers. Phosphorus is taken up by plants in water soluble form. 

Phosphate fertilizers such as DAP and SSP  are water soluble but a few days after application soils fix water soluble P of the fertilizer into water insoluble form. As the availability of phosphorus is pH dependent and not on the form of fertilizer, there seems to be no logic to add phosphorus to the soil in the form of harmful chemical fertilizers. Driven by the need of a suitable alternative, AIMS BIOTECH introduces BIORAS PLUS.

BIORUS PLUS is bio-organic phosphate supplement. It is based on phosphate Rich Organic Manure [PROM] technology. It contains phosphate solublizing bacterial (PBS) enzyme which can solubilize residual phosphate, Iron and Magnesium etc. from soil, making them more easily available to the plants. It also contain active organic matter which facilitates the nutrition cycle in the soil by harboring the beneficial microbial population. Soil phosphate availability to the plants is directly proportional to the organic matter in the soil. Apart from phosphorous, BIORAS PLUS  also provides in small proportions of nitrogen, potash, secondary [Ca, S], and micro nutrients [Zn, Mg, and Fe], along with organic carbon. It stimulates sprouting and helps to increase the water holding capacity of the soil. BIORAS PLUS is ideal for soil and agro-tech applications. BIORAS PLUS is of completely organic origin and is a strong root stimulator for plants that have already rooted and also stimulates root development / growth in young plant. It increases the resistance against disease.

Benefits of BIORAS PLUS:

1. Provide soluble phosphate to the plant. 
2. Act as legume inoculants for biological nitrogen fixation.   
    Suppressing  insects and plant diseases.
3. Improve crop quality and yield. 
4. Restore soil Micro-flora.
5. Increase seed germination.
6. Promotes deeper rooting systems.
7. Decomposes organic waste.
8. Solubilizes and removes phosphate residues from soil.
9. Enhances nutrient cycle.

BIORAS PLUS is recommended for all crops like cereals, Millets and forage  crop including vegetables to get better plant growth and higher yield. BIORAS PLUS also helps other plants like Wheat, Paddy, Sugarcane, Cotton, Banana, Vine, Mango, and Plantation crops such as Coffee, Tea, Cardamom and others. It is ideal also for flower crops like Rose, Hibiscus, Chrysanthemum Gerbera, Petunia, Daffodils, Jasmine, Sunflower, Dahlia etc. It improves growth, yield and quality of crops adding to farm profitability.


For Soil application :8-10 Kg per acre.
For Foliar application : 2 ml per Litre of water.


BIORAS PLUS can be mixed with organic manure,  fertilizers and Bio-pesticides.


Powder:- 10 Kg Bag,               
Liquid  :- Bottle of 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre, 5 Litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

BIO- AIMS PLUS – A Complete Plant Nutrition

The Amino Acid based Bio-AIMS Plus is produced by hydrolysis of vegetable sources employing an unique & innovative technology. It contain all essential  Amino Acids, Humic Acids, Protein Hydrolysate, Fulvic Acid, Enzyme , rich source of Vitamins, Micronutrients & hormones. Amino Acid are very active components and our special process help in maintaining them in that state. It active nature helps it get chelated and absorbed in the plant when applied. It consist of essential Amino Acids. It is essential to use Amino Acids to boost up immunity of crops. The Amino Acids present in Bio-Aims penetrate through stomata of plant & into physio chemical and biochemical system of the plant.

Bio-AIMS is stable between 5 to 45° C & can be stored without any biochemical activity for more than 5 Years in normal condition. The Bio-Aims is herbal extract. 

Major benefits of using BIO-AIMS:-

1. Photosynthesis process is enhanced and lead to better synthesis of chlorophyll and helps to improve yield.
2. Reduce flower, fruit drop.
3.Improve rate of absorption of fertilizers.
4. Help to withstand stress condition like drought, frost and attack of insects by improving immunity.
5. Improve yield and shelf life of fruits, vegetables & other perennial crop.
6. Improve profitability.

Uses & Dosage of BIO-AIMS GRANULES:-

5 Kg per acre per application and recommended 2-3 times with an interval of 30-40 days. Preferably use the 1st application before the onset of vegetative growth and use the 2nd application before the reproductive stage.

Uses & Dosage of BIO-AIMS LIQUID:-

For standard yield 1-2 ml per litre of water and for higher yield 3-4 ml per litre of water.  


BIO-AIMS Granules available in 5 kg Bag, 10 kg Bucket & 50 kg Drum.

BIO-AIMS liquid available in  100 ml / 250 ml / 500 ml / 1 litre and 5 litre packs.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

BIOCROP PLUS 16% W/W Humic Acid

It is Humic acid 16% w/w.  It is extracted from Leonardite mineral and liquid form. Besides drip irrigation, it can be also applied through foliar.  One litre of Biocrop Plus 16% replaces 10 to 25 Kgs application of dry humane material, where 7 to 8 MT of FYM is used.  It has high ion exchange capacity which serves to chelate plant fold elements and release them as and when plant requires.

It biologically stimulates plants.  It chemically changes the fixation properties of soils.  It physically modifies soil.  It stimulates plant enzymes.  It acts as organic catalyst.  It stimulates root growth, especially lengthwise.  It increases buffering properties of soil, it chelates metal ions under alkaline conditions.  Promotes the conversion of a number of elements in to forms available to plants.  It makes soil more friable and crumbly.  It improves soil work-ability.  It increases soil aeration and reduces soil erosion.  It increases water holding capacity of soils.  It can be mixed with insecticides, Weedicides, Micro-nutrients and water soluble fertilizer for their better performance.


Foliar application – 1 ml in one litre of water.
Through drip irrigation – 0.75 ml in one litre of water.


Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -