
Thursday, September 12, 2013

BIOSULF - Liquid Sulfer 50% w/w

Till date farmers have been using powder sulfer which does not get dissolved completely in water. Biosulf has been launched by Aims Biotech to minimize the loss of sulfur.

What is BIOSULF?

Biosulf is an effective acracide, strong acidifier with fungicidal property and essential nutrient for all plants.

Advantage of using Biosulf:

1. The particle size of Biosulf is very small which is almost 6 micron.

2. Due to its small particle size, Biosulf has got higher spreading properties, better distribution rate and high resistance to wash-off by rainfall or irrigation.

3. Biosulf mixes instantly with water and spreads uniformly in a thin film to cover the entire leaf surface.

4. Biosulf effectively kills the specific red spider mites, scarlet mites etc. but do not harm the beneficial insects. As a result ecological balance is not disturbed.

5. It protects the plant from extreme conditions like excessive heat or cold.

6. Biosulf is indispensable for synthesizing of certain Amino Acids through various metabolic process. It plays a vital role in up-taking different micro-nutrients like magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc from the soil.

7. It helps in the chlorophyll synthesis and increase the vitamin content in the leaf.

8. Biosulf offers total protection against sulfur deficiency and various species of mites in the plant.

Usage of BIOSULF:

Biosulf can be used in different flowers specially on rose and Marigold. It can also be used on different fruits like mango, apple, pineapple and grapes. It can be used on different vegetables, crops & specially on Tea. It is very much effective against Mites, powdery Miledew, Tikka leaf spot, Red spider mites, pink & purple mites, Scarlet mites etc.


Biosulf can be applied between 10AM to 3PM. It is not advisable to apply Biosulf in the afternoon in the scorching heat of the sun as the heat might reduce the effectiveness of Biosulf.
During rainy season it is advisable to spray Biosulf with BODYGUARD  which will help Biosulf to stick to the leaves and protect it by getting washed off by rain.

To get best result and effectiveness spray a mixture of AIMYD and AIMGUARD with Biosulf.


3 to 4 ml per liter. Spray immediately on occurrence of mites or powder mildew disease. In sever conditions repeat the process every after 7 days.


Biosulf is available in  250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre and 5 Litre.

Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India  
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
 Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
Email -

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