AIMGUARD is silicon based organic compound with botanical extracts like cynodan dactylon (Doob), Ocinum spp (Tulsi) etc. Aimguard gains importance for its self defense mechanism against Bacterial/fungal diseases in vegetable & tea.
From the current research data, it has been concluded that silicon is a potential component to induce resistance and can tolerate during steer situation in the plant metabolism.
It has been established that silicon containing material enhances the structural stability of the plant system which ultimately hardens the cell wall of the plant tissue and makes inactive of the harmful fungal hype to penetrate inside the body.
1. AIMGUARD is eco-friendly in nature.
2. AIMGUARD is harmless with no side effects.
3. AIMGUARD contribute better quality and increase yield of vegetables by controlling Blister blight, Bacterial wilt, Red rust and Black rot.
Dosage : @2-5 ml per 1 Litre of water.
Packing Size: Bottle 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre & 5 Litres.
Contact Details:
AIMS Biotech Pvt Ltd
Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Tel - 020 - 27420023
Tel-Fax - 020 - 27420041
Dayanand (Officer in charge) - +91 - 9370167066
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